At our April Business Meeting, a proposal was made to improve our membership program and what it offers our members.
The Lead Pack felt these changes were too important to consider without making the details public and listening to the voice of the membership on how we might improve the proposal.
This proposal is rooted in three pillars of our organization:
- We are a community organization. Working with members of our community to provide options when the ability to pay is a barrier makes us more accessible.
- We are a volunteer organization. Without our volunteers, none of the events we produce for the community would happen. Instead of the “stick” of a member volunteer “expectation” that we never enforced, we want to provide a “treat” – recognition for volunteer efforts on an annual basis.
- We are a membership organization. Without our members, NSKC wouldn’t exist. As we approach our fifth anniversary in 2019, we felt that recognizing our long-term members with tenure pins would be one way of saying “thank you”.
This proposal also seeks to address the following concerns:
- Dues – In looking at other Puppy and Handler organizations across North America, we found that our Full Member dues are among the highest out there. A reduction in dues would bring us more in line with our peers.
- Tiers of membership – Most of our peers do not have multiple tiers of membership nor a geographical requirement for being a member. A single level of membership with no geographical requirement makes things easier for all concerned.
- Swag – We currently provide swag that some members may not be interested in receiving. That swag also costs us money to produce. Breaking out the membership pin, small patch, and friendship pin into their own “welcome kit” gives new members a choice. It also allows us to better match swag income with expenses incurred in producing it. Don’t worry – the pins, patches, and other swag we’re thinking up will still be available after you join.
We encourage you to let us know what you think and give us your thoughts.
We also encourage you to join us at The Saloon on Wednesday, May 9 as the Lead Pack gives further consideration to this proposal.
Thank you for your consideration, your time, and your membership.
Barks and skritches,
Pup Minutes
North Star Kennel Club