North Star Kennel Club

Rules and Consent Policy

Effective Date: 12/17/2019

This policy provides a uniform means to resolve disputes involving:

  1. compliance with rules that are created by the Lead Pack or one of its committees
  2. compliance with rules presented by hosts of NSKC events
  3. consent violations between members or guests at NSKC-sponsored events

By providing a uniform means of resolving disputes, the NSKC intends provide a safe space for members and guests of the Club, and to protect the individual rights of the parties involved in a dispute. It is not the intent of this policy to resolve interpersonal disputes between parties nor to replace or forego legal action by parties to a complaint.

This policy does not supersede the ability of a Board member or event host to reprimand or eject a member or guest from an NSKC-hosted or -sponsored event if cause is deemed sufficient at the time.

Registering a Complaint

A complaint should be registered immediately after an offense.

A Lead Pack member or host shall refer a complaint made to them to a member of the Executive Committee within 24 hours of it being registered with them.

Club members may also refer a complaint, but are not obligated to do so. Members should notify the complainant if they are unwilling or unable to do so. They should also refer the complainant to a Lead Pack member or host.

A complaint should be documented and include:

  1. the identity of the complainants
  2. the identity or description of the alleged offenders
  3. the specifics of the incident including nature, date, time, location, and any witnesses
  4. responses to the incident by complainants, alleged offenders, and witnesses
  5. any actions taken by a Lead Pack member or host in response to the complaint

Complainants have the right to request anonymity. In such cases, the person referring the complaint should serve as the complainants’ proxy, providing questions from the Executive Committee and returning responses to those questions from the complainants.

Rules Violation Complaints

The Executive Committee will investigate complaints of rules violations to determine if a violation has occurred. The letter of the rule, as well as the intent of the rule will be considered. If a violation is found to have occurred, they will make a recommendation on how the violation should be handled.

Consent Violation Complaints

Due to the nature of consent, a violation has occurred if the complainant says it did. A failure of communication before, during, or after a consent violation does not automatically constitute an actionable violation. Failure to acknowledge a violation and cease after explicit or prearranged communication does constitute an actionable violation.

The Executive Committee will investigate complaints of consent violations to determine if the parties involved can agree on a resolution. If the violation cannot be reconciled, the Executive Committee will make a recommendation about whether the violation requires Club action.

A complainant may request a specific action as part of any reconciliation or the determination but may not demand it.

Defense of a Violation

The following are not defenses of rules or consent violations:

  1. ignorance of a rule
  2. ignorance of the lack or withdrawal of consent
  3. being in headspace
  4. playing a role
  5. being under chemical influence

Anyone unable to maintain decision-making abilities during an NSKC function is expected to arrange for another member or guest to be responsible for their behavior.


All recommendations made by the Executive Committee are subject to review and approval by the Lead Pack at its next meeting. Such review will occur in Executive Session.

Recommendations and final actions will be presented to all parties in the complaint. Actions may be appealed. Appeals must be registered with a member of the Executive Committee within seven days of delivery of any final action. Votes on appeals will be held in Executive Session at the next Lead Pack meeting.