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The Newsletter of the North Star Kennel Club
January 2020 Edition

Happy New Year

Happy new year to all pups, pets and handlers from the North Star Kennel Club! 

2020 NSPAH Contestant Application Online

Contestant applications for 2020 North Star Puppy and North Star Handler contests are officially open! If you are interested in running for either title, visit northstarpahweekend.org.

The North Star Puppy & Handler Weekend is April 3-5 at LUSH, The Saloon, and the EagleBOLT Bar. 

2020 Annual Meeting on January 25

The North Star Kennel Club’s Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at The Saloon from 2-4pm in the Fire Bar. During the meeting we will deliver a review of the past year and provide time for members to share their thoughts, concerns, and hopes for the Club in 2020.

There may be a special election for an open Lead Pack seat. If you are interested in serving, the requirements and procedure are outlined before.

Following the Annual Meeting, the new Lead Pack will hold a brief organizing meeting to elect officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary), designate committee chairs, and set the meeting calendar for 2020.

Please contact the Chair, Pup Minutes, if you have any questions.

Requirements for Lead Pack Candidates

  • Became a Member of the North Star Kennel Club on or before July 25, 2019.
  • 2020 dues paid in full.
  • Accept their nomination in person at the Lead Pack meeting on Saturday, January 25, 2020.
  • Able to attend Lead Pack meetings, typically held on the third Wednesday of the month from 7-9pm.
  • Interest in attending most Club events.
  • Interest in actively participating to improve both the events and the club.

How the Special Election Process Works


Nominations are now open through Saturday, January 18, 2020. All candidates must accept their nominations in person at the Annual Meeting.  Once nominations are closed, no additional candidates will be accepted. Write-in candidacies are not permitted.

If you are a 2019 or 2020 Member in good standing you may self-nominate or nominate another eligible member. If you are plan to nominate someone other than yourself, please speak with that person first. Secure their permission and make sure they are indeed interested in joining the Lead Pack.

Contested Election Process

In the event that there are more nominees than seats available, the Lead Pack will vote to accept each nominee. If there are more accepted candidates, the Lead Pack will then vote to determine which candidates will be appointed to the available seats.

Voting is done by ranking the candidates in order of preference. Candidates are seated according to their numerical performance – the candidate that performed the best is seated first, the next best is seated next and so forth until all seats are filled. The results are announced before the end of the Annual Meeting.

Appointment Process

In the event that there are more seats available than candidates (or the same number), the Lead Pack will vote to appoint each candidate individually. A majority vote of the Lead Pack is required to appoint a candidate to a seat.

Pups and Handlers After Party

After the 2020 Annual Meeting, join us as we raise funds for the upcoming North Star Puppy and Handler Weekend!

There will be cake! There will be food! There will be jello shots! There will be drawings for prizes, including a Mr. S Leather puppy hood!

The event will be at The Saloon on Saturday, January 25th, starting at 4pm.

Club Merchandise

Remember that members can purchase our merchandise, including:

  • large NSKC patches ($25)
  • small NSKC patches ($10)
  • NSKC membership pins ($5)
  • NSKC friendship pins (3 for $5)
  • NSKC wristbands ($2)

You can buy our merchandise at any of our events or contact Bruizer, our Membership Committee chair for details!

Give us your feedback and Event Ideas!

Please use our website's feedback form to give us any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have. These are sent to the Lead Pack and the committees that perform the club's activities. You can find it in the menu bar under Feedback.

If you have an event that you would like us to promote, organize, or co-host with you, please use our website's event submission form. You can find it in the menu bar under Events.

Volunteer Opportunities


Mosh Committee

The Mosh Committee is looking for volunteers to help in the following roles:

  • setup/breakdown helpers
  • greeters
  • guest/newbie liaisons
  • mosh pit trainers/referee

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee is looking for volunteers to help in the following roles:

  • club photographers
  • social media assistants
  • website updates

StrictlyGeneric Discount

As members of the North Star Kennel Club you can get 10% off custom chain maille collars, harnesses and accessories, made by our own Pup Nyx, at StrictlyGeneric.com. Order from him in person and mention the discount, or order online and use code "NSKCMEMBERS" for the discount. Your club membership will be verified.

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